Our Menu

*Pecan Pie
We've taken the traditional SOUTHERN PECAN PIE and added "YANKEE KNOW-HOW" to make it even better.

*Mondle bread
A unique blend of ingredients compounded together to stimulate the taste buds.

A blend of yeast raised dough, filled with either

  1. cinnamon and raisins
  2. chocolate, nuts and cherries.

*The Black & White
A traditional New York treat remembered by young and old as the "best" companion to a cold glass of milk. (also available - in all white, or all black.)


  1. The chocolate cake brownie enfolded with nuts and enrobed with a rich chocolate fondant icing.
  2. The chewy candy type brownie with nuts and coated with a rich creamy fudge topping.
  3. The Chocoholics delight....
    A chewy type brownie, with chocolate chips coated with a creamy fudge topping.
  4. The Blondie....
    A combination of ingredients to tantalize the taste buds of any connoisseur.
  5. The Scotch brownie ....
    A brown sugar-based, marbelized brownie.

*The 7 Layer
7 sheets of golden chiffon filled with chocolate buttercream and topped with our rich fudge.

*The Rainbow Cookie
4 colored sheets of almond flavored cake filled with a pure apricot jam and covered top and bottom with a semi-sweet chocolate.

An old-fashioned cream cheese dough made with two different fillings:

  • raisins, walnuts and cinnamon
  • chocolate, walnut and apricot jam
  • Of course we make !!

      Plain, Poppy Seeded, Sesame Seeded and Raisin. In twist or pan baked all year.
      Round for Rosh Hashona & Yom Kippur

    Egg Rolls:

      Dinner Twists: Plain or Seeded
      Onion Buns: Onions inside and out

    We also have a full line of New York retail bakery danishes and pastries.

    E-mail for more information and to get prices and shipping costs.

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